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Mission Statement, Ethos and Values

Our Mission Statement is:

To inspire everyone in our school family to be the best they can be within our caring Christian community

Our strap line is, ‘Together We Grow With God’.

Our Vision

1. To equip our children, staff and governors to fulfil their individual potential and come together as a hardworking and happy school community.

2. To continue to develop a dynamic, child-centred sequential curriculum which celebrates our community, children and local area.

3. To empower all children with Christian Values to enable them to have the personal resilience and desire to make a positive contribution to society.

Our Christian Narrative

Our Bible verse is ‘Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ 2 Peter 3:18

‘Together We Grow With God’ fully permeates every aspect of life at Lytham Church of England Primary School. Since the school was founded, staff have nurtured a positive relationship with the community, ensuring God’s love is evident through thoughts and actions, embedding Christian values which have provided the basis for individuals to shape their personal beliefs and respect for others. Today, we continue to follow the loving example of Jesus Christ in order to enable all our pupils to flourish socially, academically and spiritually.

Our caring and loving school environment is inclusive of children of all faiths and backgrounds and is where each child is loved, celebrated, and welcomed. We hold high aspirations for our pupils, whom we seek to become well-rounded, confident, honest, resilient, compassionate, ambitious, responsible and thoughtful people, who consistently demonstrate sound moral character, fulfil their God-given potential, and have a strong sense of community and their place within it. All of this ensures that each child has solid foundations for their futures. We have explored the Blackburn Diocese Board of Education’s Vision 2026 and considered how we can enable children to become Disciples of Jesus Christ, Witnesses to Jesus Christ and grow as leaders for Jesus Christ.

We aim to do this through the broad curriculum and extra-curricular offer (including our Diocese’ Questful RE curriculum, SMSC, PSHE, RSE, Citizenship, Sports, Music, educational visits, visitors… etc), plus through invitational and pupil-inspired worship and prayer (or reflection), and through the living out of our Christian vision and our values which underpin every aspect of our school life. Such values are well-evidenced by our charitable and social-conscience focuses alongside our pupils’ determination to achieve goals and exhibit high standards of behaviour both in and out of school. School policies, implementation procedures, and monitoring by SLT staff (and governors), sensitively promote such things as Equality, Safeguarding, Pupil and Staff Wellbeing, and where necessary, early interventions, individualised EHC plans, TA support, and counselling are implemented to support this. The RE lead and linked CPD of staff, ensure the RE provision, profile, resources, and progress, in all key stages, are apt to our church school status, vision and values. In all that we do, we take the time to consider

1. Who are we as a school?

2. What are we doing here?

3. How, then, shall we live and learn together?

SIAMS Framework

Our strong community links enable good working partnerships with parents, the local church and wider community, where working together enriches the opportunities and experiences that our children receive. Members of the Parish talk about our children leaving school as well rounded citizens capable of making a positive contribution to society. Partnership with church is developed through school presentations at key times in the year, the clergy weekly school assemblies and the annual confirmation offer. Within the school community, children learn to collaboratively integrate, respect, and believe in the intrinsic and developing value of each other, to value themselves and the contributions they can make in immediate, wider, and global relationship, and learn how God can inspirationally help them to fulfil their potential.

In order to enable our younger members to engage in the theological rooting of our vision, our Year 6 children spent time researching and discussing how we could ensure that our Mission Statement and strap line could be accessed by our youngest children. There was a lot of mature discussion about the need to consider the purpose of a Parable alongside how this could be unique to us. The Parable of the Sower was felt to be a natural link as we take great pride in our stunning grounds and seek to ‘Grow With God’. Our Peace Garden is utilised by the Worship in Wellies Group who tend to the grounds and celebrate God’s goodness. This is a part of our environment which must be tended in order to thrive and flourish; much like we must fill our minds with the teaching of Jesus in order to grow into mature Christians who can boldly declare our faith. As Jesus did, we too believe in empowering our children to be the game changers and to be those who think and subsequently flourish. As many buildings in one community, ‘Together We Grow With God’ so that God can fulfil his plans for our school, community, nation and world.

‘I have chosen the sower and the seeds because it resembles whenever you are learning about God you need to ask questions, plant the seeds in your mind and let them grow. If you don’t learn more about God the seeds in your mind will be like the seeds on the hard path and won’t grow so be encouraged to learn and listen always.’

Ethan (Y6)

Reviewed in conjunction with Governors, Children, Families and Staff

Autumn Term 2 2023